Saturday, 9 July 2011

rent land? cohousing?

Farmer J was talking to us the other day about the benefits of renting land. When he first mentioned it I wasn't sure I agreed. In my experience when you rent something you often pay more than you would have initially if you had bought it. However, he was explaining that many farmers who don't have heirs want their land to continue to be worked and sometimes give young people deals - they'll offer the land to rent for a little cheaper than normal type of thing. In which case by the time you've spent 500,000$ on rent you may be pretty close to the end of your life! Not really, but something along those lines. So maybe I'll rent land?

I was also looking into cohousning recently. It's about living in a smaller community that is actually community based and the neighbours actually know each other. Everyone has and owns their individual houses but in the center of the community is usually a common house type of thing. An area everyone has access to that usually includes an open area and a kitchen, a library amongst other things. It's also more focused on eco-friendly habits and buildings and is pedestrian based. They sound idyllic. I'm not sure if I want to raise my kids (if I have any) in the country because I wouldn't want to have to drive them everywhere and I think they may get bored (most country kids I've met have claimed boredom and prefer the city). However, if I have a small farmish thing there would be chores to do and animals to play with. I have no idea! I kinda wish life was simpler sometimes.

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